
Sport at Eton dates back to 1796 when the first Eton vs Westminster cricket match took place. Today, Eton offers a diverse range of sporting opportunities for the boys from fencing to sailing to the more traditional team sports of football, rugby and the field game.

Eton also continues to play the Wall Game which is played on a strip of ground 5 metres wide and 110 metres long (“The Furrow”) next to a slightly curved brick wall (“The Wall”) erected in 1717.

All in all, Eton is second to none when it comes to the sporting opportunities on offer and it’s no surprise that it has many notable world class athletes in it’s Alumni, including Lawrence Clarke (110m hurdler), Jack Rogers (English cricketer), Alex Hua Tian (Olympic equestrian), Alex Loudon (England and Warwickshire cricketer), Andrew Lindsay (oarsman) and William Fox-Pitt (three-day eventing rider) to name a few.